Modest fashion outfit with fun bold colours

How to make Modest Outfits FUN

It’s true. Modest outfits can be boring but they don’t have to be. Modesty is subjective and is relevant to the culture, occasion and time period. Modesty, coming from the word moderate means “avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits”(Merriam Webster, n.d).

Let’s assume that you have recently made the decision to start dressing a bit more conservatively/modestly. You do not have to buy an entire new wardrobe and you don’t want to abandon your personal style. Guess what? You don’t have to dress ‘boring’ either

  • Colour Selection
  • Silhouette and proportions 
  • Contrast in texture

Colour Selection

Colour can be your friend or not…It’s all about choosing the right colour combo that works FOR YOU. But first let’s explore what’s out there.

Try out this free tool called Coolors to do the experimenting for you or see what colour palettes are trending

 You can screenshot and item you want to buy online and upload to canva and use the colour picker tool to compare the hex code for the colours on Coolors

The truth is, we have all seen or experienced trying on clothes  that just feel off or maybe you tried a new makeup look and it doesn’t feel right even though it was applied well.

I know we’re focusing on modest outfits but which of these two make up looks feels right vs wrong?

Answer: Right is the better makeup for her because it compliments her better.

This also means that you also need to pick colours that look good on you. Think of your skin, hair and clothes as part of one palette.

Silhouette and Proportions

If you don’t feel comfortable wearing jewelry, make a statement with your sleeves. There are so many beautiful and intricate designs that can really elevate any modest outfit look. Creative sleeve designs definitely make a silhouette uniquely feminine.

Source: The shapes of fabric

Aside from the striking colours, what else jumps out at you? It has to be the super flowy bottoms with the ultra high waist.

Source: IG @omoayoo

These are actually flowy wide leg pants. Perfect for ladies who are on the fence about wearing pants in general.

Contrast in Texture

Contrasting textures always creates interest even if you choose a monochromatic look. The difference it what makes it visually interesting.

Knit on Silk/Satin

Source: IG @omoayoo

Play around with texture. Yes, the sweater could have been paired with a corduroy pant or denim skirt or pants but the high contrast between the satin skirt is what makes this look stand out and then secondly the colour palate. 


Modesty does not have to be boring. There are 3 main factors that can bring your modesty journey to life. Don’t be afraid to experiment with texture, colour, silhouette and proportions.