Category Faith

How to make Modest Outfits FUN

Modest fashion outfit with fun bold colours

It’s true. Modest outfits can be boring but they don’t have to be. Modesty is subjective and is relevant to the culture, occasion and time period. Modesty, coming from the word moderate means “avoiding extremes of behavior or expression :…

Date Ideas for Christian Couples

Couple in a pottery making class

Christian dating does not have to be boring. We can honour God and still have fun and learn and grow with our potential partners in the waiting season. One of the easiest ways to do this, is to avoid situations…

3 Easy Ways to Start Reading the Bible

Whether you are a new, returning or seasoned in the Christian Faith, it is no secret that many of us across the globe struggle with reading the Word of God daily. If more of us were completely transparent, you will…